Who is “Gaming gegen Krebs – Pfoten für die Seele”?
We are a community of 6 people who form the organizing team. We are very committed to dog-assisted therapy in hospice and palliative care units. Click here for the team.
Why do we support “Emma hilft” and “Pfoten für die Seele”?
In Germany, dog-assisted therapy is not a part of the standard service by statutory health insurance and must therefore be financed exclusively through donations. This not only applies to “Emma Hilft” but also to all other dog therapy teams throughout Germany. With our project “Gaming gegen Krebs – Pfoten für die Seele” we want to make people aware of the importance of this project.
Who ist “Emma hilft”?
These are the palliative care nurse Ivana Seger and the two Labrador ladies Sissi and Helga.
What is palliative care & hospice care?
In palliative and hospice medicine the focus is not on healing and prolonging life, but on maintaining quality of life, alleviating pain, eliminating other complaints as well as attention and closeness.
What do Sissi, Helga and their mistress Ivana Seger do with “Emma hilft” for the patients”?
This is where animal-assisted therapy comes in, which is about improving mental well-being and promoting communication in a life-threatening situation.

The presence of animals creates a relaxed, calming atmosphere, which also facilitates the supportive involvement of relatives in the course of the disease.
The animal can give comfort, as a mediating medium, facilitate communication between all those involved and thus also help with the grieving process.
Patients also sink into memories – for example of their own dogs. Animals can sometimes do more than drugs in such situations.
What do we collect for?
We want to give people in difficult life situations comfort and courage through the use of dog-assisted therapy. Since this is financed exclusively by donations, we try to make it possible through “Gaming gegen Krebs” at the following locations and have been able to implement it in recent years.
Wir wollen Menschen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen durch den Einsatz von hundegestützter Therapie Trost und Mut geben. Da dies ausschließlich durch Spenden finanziert wird, versuchen wir dies durch „Gaming gegen Krebs“ an folgenden Standorten zu ermöglichen und konnten dies in den letzten Jahren umsetzen.
Gaming against cancer supports these locations and purposes by the German Society for Palliative Medicine and are earmarked:
- Dog-assisted therapy from “Emma hilft” at the HSK’s B22 palliative oncology ward (cancer) in Wiesbaden
- Dog-assisted therapy from “Emma hilft” at the Lebenbrücke hospice in Flörsheim
- Important veterinary examinations so that “Emma hilft” with Sissi & Helga can continue to help the patients.
- Emergency operations (operations where dog therapy is urgently needed to calm them down)
- In the future also “Tröstende Pfoten Therapiebegleithunde für Deutschland e.V” (Registered Association of Comforting Therapy Support Dogs for Germany) and 7 other dog teams that are there for comfort and well-being all over Germany.
How do we collect these?

Event in the village community center Oelsberg with “Live Gaming”
We work with various Twitch and Youtube streams. We also get a lot of support from developers and publishers of various games.
You can watch us playing various games live and support our project with donations. These donations are absolutely voluntary .
During the streams, viewers donate to this project. This is done by displaying a donation link in the chat. This refers to the fundraiser at Betterplace.
When is it collected?
Every year ín November we create the fundraising campaign “Gaming gegen Krebs- Pfoten für die Seele”. This runs from 01.11. until 01.12. At the end of the donation period, our fundraising campaign will then be assigned to the donation project of the German Society for Palliative Medicine.<
Can I also collect outside of the fundraiser?
Yes, of course! The donation account and the project of the German Society for Palliative Medicine e.V. is always open and donations can be made all year round via this donation link.
Who receives the donations and how are they managed?
Betterplace passes on our donations directly to the German Society for Palliative Medicine, they have been our permanent partner since 2019.
The donations are earmarked for the 5 reasons mentioned under “What are we collecting for?”. In other words, the hospice/palliative wards and hospitals only get money for the therapy of dog-assisted therapy.
How did the project come about?
When I was eight years old, I lost my mother to cancer.
Grandpa’s German shepherd Jane was always there for me during this difficult time and accompanied me. She felt every second how I was doing and knew exactly when and where she had to be to be there for me and my family.
This experience shaped me so much that I decided to help other people. My job is my calling: I have been working in the rescue service for twelve years.
But at some point that wasn’t enough for me: I didn’t just want to react, I wanted to get actively involved. I wanted to help people diagnosed with cancer who have lost hope, courage and strength. “Gaming gegen Krebs – Pfoten für sie Seele” was born. Founded on March 13, 2018 on my mum’s birthday.
I had the idea 2 years earlier, only the implementation and the exact idea was still missing. Then in 2018 I met my current co-initiator at a community meeting, Zhenwu, who actually only wanted to give tips (Now he is part of the team as my deputy) So much for just giving tips xd😊
If you have any other questions, you can always contact us and we will answer them.