Gaming for Charity – Paws for the soul

Hello everybody!

We can proudly announce you the 3rd year in a row our charity event: Gaming for Charity – Paws for the soul. In the last 2 years we gathered to donation of 9124,07€ and delivered it to the german society for palliative medicine which manages the for the Horst Schmidt Clinic in Wiesbaden, the money is spend soley for the dog therapy programme of “Emma hilft”.

Now the important details:

Q: “When will the streams take place?”
A: “From the 1st November to the 1st December 2020”

Q: “What is collected for?”
A: “Also in the hard Covid-19 times, together with you we want to do something good for seriously ill people at the oncological ward of the Horst Schmidt Clinic in Wiesbaden.”

Q: “Why do we support “Emma hilft” and the palliative ward of the HSK in Wiesbaden?”
A: “A dog therapy is not a standard benefit of the german health insurances and must be funded solely by donations. This applies not only for “Emma hilft”, but also for all the dog therapy programme in Germany. We want to show the people the importance of this project, because sometimes animals can do more than pills. Additionally to that we can sadly say that after 2 years a petition about dog therapies was declined by the Bundestag, so these programmes need donations!”

Q: “How do we gather the money?”
A: “We gather the money via the Donationwebsite “”, which is also a official Partner of Twitch. Important for the people living in germany: For Tax reasons, you get a donation recipe from! For every transaction there are fees which needs to be paid, in order to pay the fees betterplace.prg keeps 2,5% of every donation.
Note: This money is NOT to maintain the website itself or any staff, it’s solely to pay for the fees.
The website gets also funded by donations, keep that in mind and maybe donate a small amount also to them.”

The Donation link:

You can donate with paypal, creditcard or paydirect

And here comes the streaming shedule:

World of Tanks:

Moerp with Fallen13 & Zhenwu

02.11.2020 at 6pm – 9pm (Link )

09.11.2020 at 6pm – 9pm  (Link)

30.11.2020 at 6pm – 9pm (Link)

CC Ohare with Fallen13 and Zhenwu:

14.11.2020 at 10:30am – 3:30pm (Link )

16.11.2020 at 6pm – 9pm (Link)

17.11.2020 at 7:30pm- 11pm (Link)

World of Warships:

CC Suistar7: 05.11.2020 at 8pm (Link)

CC Seakrauts, CC Baxterchico and the paws team 12h Multistream: 21.11.2020 starting at 12pm  (Link)

CC JustTrashee with Fallen13 & Atlan35: 22.11.2020 (Link)

CC ColiaSolo with Fallen13 & the paws team : 28.11.2020 (Link)

CC PrivatePinguin with Fallen 13 & the paws team: 23.11.2020 from 4:30pm to 8pm (Link)

As a special guest we can introduce you the Wargaming Community Manager “Sehales” from WoWs!

World of Warplanes:

Angry_Chilli with mit Fallen13 & Pfoten Team: 04.11.2020 starting at 7:30pm to 10pm (Link)

Angry_Chilli with Fallen13 & Pfoten Team: 19.11.2020 starting at 7:30pm to 10pm (Link)

Angry_Chilli with Fallen13 & Pfoten Team: 27.11.2020 starting at 7pm – open end (Link)

All times are CET timezone and the streams are in german.

Now what can you win?

With the help and support of Wargamin, the streamer and our team, we got the following prices:

1x Cobi Modell Rudy T34/85
1x Sabaton CD “The Great War History”
10x Facemask from the german tank museum
20x WoWpl Tier 7 Bonuscode “Kostikov 302”

12x 7 days World of Tanks-Premium
4x 3 Tage World of Tanks-Premium
4x 1 Personally Reserve: 2 hours long +300 % Crew-XP
2x 1 Tier VI Premium-Tank
2x 1 Stufe VIII Premium – Tank (except Type 59, Type 59 Gold, und Reward-Tanks)

6x 1 Container with Random Tier-VI-Premiumschiff
30x 1 flag “Restless fire” & 20 Camouflage “Restless fire”
30x 7 days World of Warships-Premium
12x ever 5 Signal flags: Basilisk, Drache, Hydra, Leviathan, Wyvern, Scylla, Roter Drache, Ouroboros
1x VIP Code: West Virginia 1941, Irian, Z-39, 3Port parking space, 30 Days World of Warships-Premiums, 25 Camouflage “Victory salute”

more prices will be announced!

And because we are germans and we love bureaucracy:

We can not engage in correspondence on the competition, and the organisers’ decision is final. The winners agree to send us their adresses to receive physical prices.
Facebook is not associated with this event.

Best wishes and a nice day!

The team of Gaming against Cancer – Paws for the soul

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