Hello Commanders!
Another time you showed how strong the community of World of Tanks and Wargaming is. After the charity appeal of Fallen13 in November and with 10 streams there were 7000€ gathered for palliative ward of the Horst-Schmidt Clinic in Wiesbaden.
The gathered money secured the dog therapy for another year, plus a part of the education of the next dog.
More about the topic “dog therapy” and the work with the animals on the website emmahilft.de (only in german)
We want to thank everybody which supported the event and Fallen13 is also very thankful:
“Gaming against Cancer” proudly handed over the astonishing amount of 7101€ to Prof. Dr. Frickhofen. The entire donations will be managed by the german society of palliative medicine. and will be used exclusively for the therapy of “Emma – Heroine on four paws”. The money secured one yeat the therapy programme, plus the education of another dog.
I want to thank every streamer which supported us: Moerp, Ohare, Mootality, Maracher, Hifire2142, Suistar7, Cloud2011 and Angry Chilli.
Many many thanks to Sabaton for the signed CDs and Wargaming for the support!
Special thanks to my friend Richard “the Challenger” Cutland for the signed Bretagne Panther Bonuscodes, also to the unknown lead designer of the tank which signed the codes as well.
Also many thanks to Harkonnen and thedailybounce.net and WG-News.com.
And last but nor least a big thank you to the family Hein and Krüger that you gave us the opportunity in the last year to support you and we could surprise you this year.
Many thanks also to everybody which was involved and helped us!
Fallen13 aka Marco

Many thanks commanders. Roll out!
Sources: worldoftanks.eu and youtube.com